American Rescue Plan Act signed into law
from Ehrens Consulting
The American Rescue Plan Act was signed into law. There are several channels by which food and nutrition services will make their way to people living in our state. Here are some key funding actions:
- $3.6 billion to purchase food products from farmers for distribution through food banks, nonprofits, or restaurants
- Increases the fruits and vegetables cash value benefit to $35/month (tripling the benefit) to WIC participants, and other funds to modernize technology and conduct outreach
- $37 million for senior nutrition through the Commodity Supplemental Food Program
- $750 million designated for nutrition services (home-delivered and congregate dining programs) within the $1.4 billion for the Older Americans Act (OAA)
- Extends access to the Pandemic EBT (P-EBT) program for children of school age for the duration of the health emergency
- Extends the 15 percent increase (about $27 per month per person) in SNAP benefits for all participants through September 30, 2021, plus state administrative support and funds for expanding online purchases
- Support for farmers of color
- Support for rural areas of our country: rental support, refinancing help, rural hospital and community funds.
More in USDA fact sheet at:
Questions? Contact Karen Ehrens, Coordinator |