NDSU Extension Monthly Update

from NDSU Extension

USDA Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) provided a breakdown of information to ND DPI, NDSU Extension and ND Dept of Ag regarding the North Dakota specific farm to school census. 

71% survey response rate (aim to have closer to 80%)

66% of school food authorities(districts) report doing at least 1 (of 30) farm to school activities. We will work to get more information around the level of involvement in farm to school activities (i.e. of the 30 activities, % of schools doing 1, 5, 10+). 

48% of the schools are serving local food (nat'l avg = 50%)

16% of the schools have an edible garden (nat'l avg = 22%)

Avg $ spent on local foods = $3300 (regional avg = $16,000) [some local product is donated, which could skew the $$]

Will work to get the breakdown by food product (i.e. of the $3300, $$ spent on meat, F/V, honey, dry goods, etc.)